Monday, May 17, 2010

Our silly little love bug

Silly things Maddie is doing this week...
  • Blueberry muffins are "cupcakes" & doughnuts are "cookies"
  • She has taken up private reading time in her room. She sits quietly in her room in her Pottery Barn armchair and reads, "Goodnight Moon" to herself. She says "Night night moon!" as she turns each page.
  • Sings "Old McDonald Had a Farm" mumbling all the words until E-I-E-I-O comes, which sounds more like "Yi-Yi-Yi-Yi-O!"
  • Maddie is obsessed with the boats and each time she sees one of them, she yells "Da BOOP!!!"
  • She LOVES her life jacket, which she affectionately calls "jacket". She wears it around the house and spends hours clicking and unclicking the belts.
  • She manipulates us by asking for something and then says, "O-kay!" like she's already decided she's getting it. For example, she'll say, "More peas? O-kay!".
  • And, my favorite, she gives you the tightest, shakiest little hug she can around your neck and says "happy." It makes my heart melt to hear the happiness in her little voice.
We love our silly little love bug.


The Desatoff Family said...

Oh! I love it! Especially the life jacket. The simplest things are pure entertainment for kids. I can't wait to see her next month :) And she is for sure related to Adam because at that age, Adam used to say, "Want to go to the park?" and then I would repeat it back to make sure that's what he said and he would say, "Ok!" Like I had just suggested it or something. So sneaky...

The Grandmoo said...

Oh, Kim, All those things that Maddie is doing brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. These things are from such a pure and honest place. Talking to her
jacket is priceless and reading Good Night Moon is adorable. I would give anything for her special happy, tighest, shakiest hug. Cherish each of these moments, they are so special. Love and miss you all the time. Grandmoo