Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is Maddie getting a brother or a sister?

Maddie's getting a sister!

Our new little baby girl was stubborn as can be this morning. She was all tucked up, breech, and asleep.  She was not moving out of her cozy spot no matter what we did. Finally, towards the end of the ultrasound she finally moved her leg and found out she's a girl!
We were just excited to find out she had all her body parts and is growing perfectly, but to find out we're getting another sweet girl is so exciting! And it's also so helpful financially, seeing as everything in our home is pink already. Having a boy would have been fun too, but there is something so sweet about a newborn, snuggly baby girl.

 Here are some pictures of our pretty baby -
I wonder if she'll have long, dark eyelashes like Maddie.

Baby Girl decided to go back to sleep after all this picture taking, so the sonographer was not able to get good measurements of her spine. So, we have a follow up ultrasound scheduled for next week. I'll drink some orange juice before I go so she'll be more active the next time around.