Thursday, July 9, 2009

How do you catch a rabbit?

Hide in a meadow and make carrot noises!
Ha ha! :)
It's the only carrot joke I know!
I haven't posted much of Maddie lately because she is battling with her 2 top teeth and 2 more bottom teeth and she is not in the mood for pictures. We did find one thing that makes her teeth feel better though ... chewing on cold carrots! I'm excited about this discovery. She can get her vegetable intake and soothe her poor gums at the same time. I hate teething - it is so mean to my baby! I hope these 4 teeth cut through soon.


The Grandmoo said...

Hi There

I just wanted to let you know that teething is part of the baby picture and I agree its no fun for anyone. I sure hope Maddie feels
better soon. I love your rabbit joke. Very cute! I miss talking to you, please give me a call. I love you all so much. Your GMA

The Desatoff Family said...

Oh, Maddie :) I wish I could cut those teeth for you. Teething is terrible! But once you get past them, you get to eat lots more yummy foods! We love our Maddie!

Aunt Robin and Cousin Adam