Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Visit from the Farrs!

One of the worst things about moving from Arizona to California was leaving Laura & Bryant. We love them so much and spent a lot of time with them. Laura was a second mom to Maddie. We all cried when we moved. But, Laura & Bryant came out for a quick visit and it was so fun to see them!

They brought their sweet little dog Roxy with them which just thrilled Maddie to pieces. She has missed playing with "Rockies". They came to the park with us and Maddie had so much fun playing with them.

Laura got to meet her new niece Macey and the first order of business was putting her in a super cute outfit and matching bow. Laura was always so great about dressing Maddie up and pulling out her next size up clothing. Maddie & Macey are so lucky to have you for an aunt! 

Maddie took Roxy on lots and lots of walks. Poor Roxy probably slept the whole way back to Arizona after Maddie was done running her all over Southern California. 

Laura & Bryant took Maddie to the beach for her first trip to the ocean! Macey was still a little small for that long of a trip, so they took Maddie for an adventure. I sure missed her, but I'm so glad she went. She had lots and lots of fun.

She came home and told me all about the big lake (the ocean), the sand, and the birds. 

She had lots of fun feeding Nutri Grain bars and graham crackers to the seagulls.

Maddie on the pier. 
Maddie just soaking up the So Cal beach reading a good book with some good snacks. 

Headed down to the water - I bet it was FREEZING!

Such a sweet picture. My baby's toes touching the Pacific Ocean for the first time!

Laura & Bryant took Maddie down to the water and told her to run away from the waves. She took that advice a little too literally and kept running and running and running. She is so silly.

Maddie's idea of heaven - endless sand to play with, get dirty in, and draw pictures in. 

Looks like a snake to me. 

That's my Maddie girl! 

Laura & Bryant, we miss you guys so much! Thanks for a super fun visit and for being such a great aunt and uncle to my babies! We'll see you soon!

PS- We are SO EXCITED to see Baby Farr in November! What a lucky baby to get you both for parents! What a miracle. Prayers are always answered!


The Desatoff Family said...

I am in LOVE with the last picture of Maddie :) She is so funny! I miss her tons. She looks like she is having great adventures at the beach and hiking among wildflowers....and you thought you would scar her forever by moving her to California :) I think she is happy as ever! Love you guys!

Katy, Bill and Easton said...

I got teary eyed when I read about Laura and Bryant! Yippee!