Saturday, April 24, 2010

Maddie's Garden

Our second 2010 family goal is checked off the list ...
Maddie's garden is in full bloom!
We planted new flowers in the front yard and we planted strawberries and tomatoes in the backyard.
Our strawberries are really taking off - we can't wait to see what they taste like! Maddie calls these "debberries". We have to distract her from these when we're in the backyard. She doesn't understand that the debberies aren't quite ready to eat yet.
The tomatoes aren't too far behind. There are tiny green tomatoes growing on each plant. We have 4 tomato plants total. I'm hoping they produce enough tomatoes for us to make homemade salsa- yum!

Local wildlife spotted in the backyard...
UPDATE- I forgot to add this photo in! Maddie & Daddy actually planting our garden. Maddie's got the drip line ready for Dad when he needs it.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Honestly, poor Darla..she always gets the short end of the stick! She was the first baby! :))