A late blog update is better than no update at all, right? I am slowly working on uploading all the pictures and videos from the past 2 months, so blog updates will be coming! Here is the first of several posts...
Our newest baby girl....
Macey Kate Milloy
February 2, 2011 - 10:51 am
9 lbs. 2 oz. - 20 inches long
Based on my labor and delivery experience with Maddie, I expected to be a week late and have to be induced. On February 1st, I was five days overdue and at work when I realized my water was starting to break. I wasn't sure if that's what was going on, because I had no early labor symptoms with Maddie to reference. After work, I called labor & delivery and they said to come in right away. So, Brandon & I drove down to the hospital, the nurses checked me, & decided my water had broken! No one was more shocked than I was that my body had gone into labor on its own. Maddie had to practically be forced out!
We spent the night at the hospital and I had manageable contractions all night. At 6am, the nurses decided to put me on the dreaded Pitocin to speed up labor since my water had been broken for so long. Within 15 minutes, I was in unbearable pain. The contractions were one on top of the other and I could not breathe through them anymore. The nurses were doing a shift change and said they would bring me pain medication as soon as they were done. I was in agony and the nurses were not in any hurry. So, my super hero husband stormed out to the nurse's station and raised hell. I love him. :) He was successful and brought a nurse back with him who gave me something for the pain. Whatever they gave me took the edge off, but also made me instantly dizzy to the point I could not lift my head off the pillow. I was vomiting when the nurses came in to ask me if I wanted an epidural. YES PLEASE! I don't remember much between the time that happened and after I woke up with an epidural. I do remember life being much more pleasant when I woke up with no pain or nausea. Shortly after that, the doctor came in and three pushes later, we had a new baby girl!
This birth experience was so much easier than Maddie's was. What a difference it makes when your body puts itself into labor, rather than being forced into it!
Brandon seeing his new daughter for the first time
Brandon putting her hospital bracelet on her ankle
No one could believe it when Macey weighed in at 9 pounds, 2 ounces! Maddie was only 7 pounds, 13 ounces, so this was a total shocker. Even the doctor who delivered Macey guessed she would weigh 8 pounds. I don't know where this giant baby came from!
She looks so little next to his hand.
Love those baby feet and tiny toes.
Such a sweet moment.
My baby girl looking at her mommy for the first time.
I am still a little drugged in this picture and we're both exhausted, but I was so happy to see that she was healthy and even more excited not to be pregnant anymore!
Derrick & Jessica brought Maddie to the hospital right before I was getting ready to push, so she got to see her new sister when she was less than an hour old. The only way to describe the way Maddie looked at Macey is reverence or awe. She was quiet and thoughtful, but her face says it all.

She got a little nervous when Macey started to cry, but was okay after we told her that's how babies talk. She patted her back and gave her kisses and was super sweet with her. I was sad to leave Maddie for our hospital stay - we've never left her overnight. But, she got a new baby sister out of the deal, plus with all the fun she had with Grandma, Jessica, & Derrick, I'm not sure she even noticed we were gone!
Later that evening, we started getting serious about naming our new baby. I really really really wanted her to be Kate, but I just didn't feel like she looked like a Kate at all. One of the other names on our list was Macey. We asked Maddie which name we should give her sister and she said "Macey Kate". It sounded so sweet in her little Maddie voice & my heart just melted! That was it - she was Macey Kate Milloy.
We are so blessed to have two beautiful healthy baby girls. I am so excited that my girls have a sister. Brandon and I absolutely loved growing up in big families with lots of siblings. More to come on the first few weeks at home, lots of family, and our new house!
I seriously have been waiting for the story....and it was worth the wait! CONGRATS! How sweet those two little girls are :) So happy for you guys {& I miss ya}!
Super sweet! Im glad she came on her own too!
Thank you for finally posting this! I have been anxiously waiting... now too bad Macey and Asher can't fall in love:(
Holy cow!!! I am such a bad blog follower! I swore that I had check your blog recently and there was no updates on Macey and just dropped in today to find you've been blogging up a storm!!!! She is so adorable and I'm loving all the new pics!!!!
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