This is Lovey Bear... a beloved member of the family.
Lovey Bear is a stuffed care bear with a wind up music box that sings "Love at Home". This bear has a rich history ... my Grandma Eatough (Maddie's great-grandma Eatough) sewed dozens of these Care Bears for the playroom at her house. All the grandkids loved these little bears that sang church hymns. We always wound them all up at the same time and let the Care Bear choir sing together. When Grandma Eatough passed away, these little bears were refurbished by my mom (Maddie's Grandma Eatough) and handed out to all the grandkids. I love that Maddie gets to play with something I enjoyed so much as a child. As a mother, I am impressed that my grandma found a way to incorporate church hymns into toys. What a great way to include the spirit in every day life.
As you can see, Maddie is in love with Lovey Bear.
Everytime it gets rewound and starts to sing again, she gets the "Surprised Maddie" look on her face. I have captured it on video for all to see.
She is such a character and I often wonder what is going on in that little head of hers. In this video, she makes Lovey Bear dance, they both lay on the floor together, and she pats its back while she cuddles it like its a baby. I turned off the camera too early for the patting.
She is such a character and I often wonder what is going on in that little head of hers. In this video, she makes Lovey Bear dance, they both lay on the floor together, and she pats its back while she cuddles it like its a baby. I turned off the camera too early for the patting.
I remember that bear. Maddie is getting so big. I always ask Savanna what her baby's name is and she always says its Maddie. She still remembers her.
It really is sweet that Maddie has your Lovely Bear to play with. It is so special to have things, toys, and and special memories handed down to new babies in the family. I love your blog and the way you make me feel like your not so far away. IOVE YOU ALL
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