Maddie will be 18 months on February 2nd! I know every parent says this, but seriously, how did that happen?

Along with her 18 month birthday, comes her entry into the nursery at church. We decided to have her go this past Sunday just for the first hour so she could become used to it and it wouldn't be so much of a shock in a few weeks. So, after sacrament meeting, Brandon and I dropped her off with all the other kids and off Maddie toddled towards the toys without a glance backwards. Brandon and I stood at the door feeling kind of lonely and abandoned that our little baby girl was being so independent. How dare she do what she's supposed to do? Sharing toys with other kids and having fun without us? The nerve... :)
Brandon and I checked on her several times over the course of the hour, each time finding her happily playing or having snacks with the other kids. She even saw Brandon looking through the window and turned around and continued playing. She was doing so well, we left her in there for the second hour too. I was half hoping she would miss me so much I'd have to come get her. But I know she has to grow up too, so I will suck it up.
I cannot believe she is big enough to be in an assigned class at church with her name on a roll sheet. She's a little person! I also can't believe how emotional I was - I really need to pull it together! Pre-school and kindergarten will be here before I know it. It's such a strange feeling to have a child - it truly is like your heart is walking around outside of your body.