On our way out, Maddie was intrigued by the windmills outside of Cabazon. I wonder what she thought about them.

Lauren had a super cute, princess themed baby shower. Maddie loved being at Grandma Eatough's house, but wasn't too sure about the tiara on her head.

Maddie loves all the new toys at Grandma Eatough's house. She carried around these bowling pins all day. She got to play with both of her cousins, Adam & Tyler - a rare treat since we live in different states. She had fun following the boys around and stealing Tyler's juice cup when he wasn't looking.
Grandma Milloy bought a baby swing for Maddie and Jasmine and Maddie LOVED it. It was hard to get pictures of her that weren't blurry, but she flapped her arms, kicked her feet, and laughed harder the higher she went.
We also went to a pancake breakfast at Uncle Bennett's fire station. Maddie met Smokey the Bear, ate pancakes, and climbed around in fire trucks. It was her nap time, so although she looks a little bored and is yawning, she was just tired. Don't worry Uncle Bennett, Maddie loved the fire trucks!

1 comment:
it was so great seeing you and Maddie at Lauren's shower. Thanks for all the stuff from the coupons you get. I have more coming in a couple of weeks for you. Maddie was so cute the way she interacted with Adam and Tyler. Just enjoy the whole group. Take care love you all, GMA
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