We had a busy, fun weekend and Maddie had lots of new experiences! Laura was house sitting and we got to visit her on Saturday. Maddie got to crawl around in real grass - she loved it!
Here are here little toes in the grass. She was so dainty- tip toeing through the grass.

Here are here little toes in the grass. She was so dainty- tip toeing through the grass.
Laura was also there to babysit a 4 month old Mastiff puppy named Maggie. She was adorable - she had huge paws and floppy ears. And Maddie was IN LOVE with her. We thought she might be scared because Maggie was so much bigger than her, but we couldn't keep Maddie away from the dog.
Maggie was such a good puppy. She let Maddie crawl all over her and she didn't mind at all. Maddie kept grabbing Maggie's paws and giving her kisses.

My little ballerina! I bought a pair of leg warmers for Maddie because she is a turbo crawler and she gets rug burn on her knees and the tops of her feet. These keep her legs warm and protect her skin. And they are stinking cute!
We took advantage of the 90 degree weather on Saturday and took Maddie swimming for the first time! We started with her toes in the water. 
My little ballerina! I bought a pair of leg warmers for Maddie because she is a turbo crawler and she gets rug burn on her knees and the tops of her feet. These keep her legs warm and protect her skin. And they are stinking cute!
She liked that, so we put her super cute bathing suit on (compliments of Aunt Robin - thank you!) so she could get all the way in.
She was enthralled with the cleaning hose. She wanted to jump on it and chew on it.
My little water baby!
I love how the sunlight lights up her ears in this picture.
Here are some fun pictures of Maddie in her church dress. Her hair is finally long enough to put up in a little ponytail. I love having a girl!
If you look closely in this picture, you can see her little bottom teeth. She's been working hard on getting them through her gums. Teething is no fun! But I love her little teeth- they are so cute!
This little sheep is named "Lamby" - pronouced Lammy.
It is the LOVE of Maddie's life.
Brandon's mom bought it for her at Bath & Body Works. Whenever she sees it, she shrieks out loud and flaps her arms up and down. Then , she smashes it in her face and rolls around on the ground with it. So silly.
And finally, here is a little video of Maddie pulling herself up on the couch. Her new favorite thing to do is to pull herself up and blow raspberries on the couch. Then, she looks around to see if anyone is watching her. She thinks it's hysterical.
What great style Maddie has - her cousing Jasmine has the same dress, just in a smaller size. I can't wait to see her in a few weeks, she is changing and learning new things so fast!
I just got a little teary-eyed looking at all the pictures of my beautiful Maddie! I wish I could live closer so she would know me, but lucky for us I look just like her mommy :) I am a little partial to the green bathing suit, it looks perfect with her eyes. What a fashionista she is already!
Love you :)
She is so cute! I love all of her clothes! She will be walking before you know it!
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