Maddie started pulling herself up to a standing position this week!
Here's a video of her standing in her crib. She is so pleased with herself.
She started pulling herself up on smaller things like her box of wipes and her Bumbo chair. Now, she is pulling herself up on the couch and her crib. She's getting pretty consistent and she's even starting to lift her leg up to climb out of her crib. It's a good thing we moved her mattress down a couple of weeks ago - she would have definitely escaped by now! She'll be walking along furniture pretty soon. She's already taking steps along the couch to reach her toys.
Here's a picture of Maddie before we left for church yesterday. 
And, last but not least, Maddie's first Milloy cousin, Jasmine, is here!
I stole this picture from Jennifer's blog. :)
She's so adorable and fresh from heaven. We can't wait to see her in person!