Water Baby!
Maddie's pediatrician said once she was a month old she could go out on the boat. We went late in the evening so she didn't get too hot and we made sure to keep her safe in her life jacket. She did great! She absolutely loved her very cute life jacket - in fact, here she is chewing on it.
This is what she did most of the time...
Next weekend, we'll get her out on the wakeboard... just kidding! I know Maddie's grandmas don't think that's funny.
Here she is with her daddy...
And her mommy... 
i can't believe you actually found a life jacket her size LOL
I love the matching Mommy and Maddie outfits :) You guys are so funny! It looks like Maddie is a go-along-with-the-flow kind of baby. Can't wait to see her :)
Too cute! You and Maddie on the boat. Just love all her pink stuff. You look pretty great, too. I think you should wait until Maddie is at least 3 months before she starts wave boarding. You are so funny. Looking forward to this coming weekend. Maddie looks very happy and content.
Love you The Grandmoo
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