Last Minute Things...
Well, we are as ready as we're ever going to be!
I have organized all the bibs, hooded towels, washcloths, headbands, bows, shoes, socks, and blankets.
The crib bedding project is finally complete! Wih lots of over the phone help from both of baby's grandmas (thank you!), my first sewing attempt seems to be successful! Not professional or perfect, but cute! 

IT'S DONE!!! Oh Kim, You did such a beautiful job on the crib bedding. I am so very proud of you! Congratulations on the dilating too. All of that you get out of the way now, you don't have to do on her birthday.
Mom M
Love LOve LOVE! ThE waY eVeRytHinG tUrnED oUt! I JuSt wIsH sHe wOuLd hUrRY & GeT hErE!!!
Well, lets hope she decides to get here after Kristen's birthday. I need a couple of days to get birthday presents orangized. Really excited waiting for info.
love you
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