Life with Maddie is so much fun, I thought I would share with you what her days are like. She has such a sweet personality and a quick sense of humor! And she's a little bit crazy with a dash of attitude all mixed in.
First of all, Maddie wakes up between 6:30-7:30am. She wakes up talking. Here's a quick video I made of getting her up in the morning. She is so happy in the mornings. It's like she can't wait to start a new day full of learning and adventures!
Next, she has breakfast.

This particular morning, she is having cheese (her favorite), bread, corn, raisins (her other favorite), turkey, and water. I love that she isn't old enough to refuse vegetables for breakfast yet. After breakfast, we play with toys. She loves to get in the toybox with her toys. She gets herself in there, inspects & throws all the toys out, and then climbs out.

Maddie loves to read books. She is an excellent page turner and she likes to give kisses to the pictures as she reads.

If I am heading out for a coupon adventure, I usually try to go in the morning before it gets too hot. Maddie is usually a good sport as I drag her from store to store. She is actually my partner in crime. She flirts and talks with the cashiers, so they are friendly to me and they don't question all of my coupons!

About this time, Maddie is ready for her first nap. She sleeps for about 2-3 hours. As long as she has her blankie and her binky, she will put herself to sleep. She smashes her face in her blanket and settles herself in. When she wakes up from her naps, I have to give her a few minutes to really wake up. If I go in to get her before she is talking, she is pushes me away and rolls back over. I guess she likes to wake up slowly!

Once she wakes up, she has lunch. Most of her meals consist of the same food. I always give her at least one fruit and one vegetable first, then some kind of bread product, and cheese last. She would eat a whole bag of shredded cheese if I let her.
Maddie likes to help me with chores. We'll see how she feels about that in 10 years. I may need to pull this picture back out when she's a teenager. Maddie climbs into the dishwasher and dances. Then, she pulls out all the utensils and hides them in the couch cushions. What a helper. :)

In the afternoon, it is well over 100 degrees so we stay inside and play. Most days, she watches a Baby Einsten DVD. She is so funny when she watches these... I had to take a few pictures.
When the cats come on the screen, she yells, "Darla! Darla!"

Here she is dancing to Baby Einstein. She always dances when these planets come on. It is so funny in person.

Around 2 or 3, she is ready for her second nap. And we've usually had an outfit change by now. She goes through 3 sets of clothes between her meals and getting into things she shouldn't.

Bathtime has been Maddie's favorite part of the day since she was 6 weeks old. She started playing peek-a-boo behind the shower curtain a few days ago. She thinks she is hysterical. And she never gets tired of it.
Then, it's bed time for Maddie. She goes to sleep between 7:30-8:30pm and (most of the time) sleeps through the night. Then, we start all over again the next day! We are so blessed to have Maddie in our family - she fits right in with all of us and we just can't get enough of her.