Can you believe it? Maddie will be 7 months on Monday! 
Maddie had her check-up and immunizations this past week, so here are her new stats...
Weight - 15 lbs. 5.5 oz. - 25%
Length - 25.75 inches - 37%
Head - 16.75 inches around - 48%
The pediatrician says her weight is in the lower percentages because most 7 month olds are not crawling yet. She's been busy burning off all those calories! Maddie was showing off at the doctor's office - rolling over, chewing on her feet, and crawling for the pediatrician. She was so brave during her shots. As usual, I cried longer than she did. She's such a trooper! Brandon and I are always interested to see her length measurements. We wonder if she'll be short like me or tall her like her dad - or somewhere in between.
Now that Maddie is mobile and can crawl all over the house, she has discovered a new favorite spot. She loves to crawl over to the back door and look outside. Her favorite is when Darla is out there - she squeaks, squeals, & "talks" to Darla.
Maddie has become a fast crawler in the past week - this is from last night.
Some other highlights from Maddie's world... She eats all kinds of fruits and veggies now. Her absolute favorite is prunes, followed closely by butternut squash, & sweet potatoes. She is definitely not a fan of green beans. She also loves to eat rice cereal and oatmeal cereal. Just in the past couple of days, she has started her latest trick... she can get herself into a sitting position from crawling. And the most recent breaking news, Maddie's first bottom tooth has cut through!
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Maddie's first Milloy-side cousin! Jennifer is due this week and we can't wait to see little Jasmine! Maddie is so excited to have another girl to play with! Tea parties, fashion shows, & Barbies- oh, we can't wait!
Weight - 15 lbs. 5.5 oz. - 25%
Length - 25.75 inches - 37%
Head - 16.75 inches around - 48%
The pediatrician says her weight is in the lower percentages because most 7 month olds are not crawling yet. She's been busy burning off all those calories! Maddie was showing off at the doctor's office - rolling over, chewing on her feet, and crawling for the pediatrician. She was so brave during her shots. As usual, I cried longer than she did. She's such a trooper! Brandon and I are always interested to see her length measurements. We wonder if she'll be short like me or tall her like her dad - or somewhere in between.
Now that Maddie is mobile and can crawl all over the house, she has discovered a new favorite spot. She loves to crawl over to the back door and look outside. Her favorite is when Darla is out there - she squeaks, squeals, & "talks" to Darla.
Maddie has become a fast crawler in the past week - this is from last night.
Some other highlights from Maddie's world... She eats all kinds of fruits and veggies now. Her absolute favorite is prunes, followed closely by butternut squash, & sweet potatoes. She is definitely not a fan of green beans. She also loves to eat rice cereal and oatmeal cereal. Just in the past couple of days, she has started her latest trick... she can get herself into a sitting position from crawling. And the most recent breaking news, Maddie's first bottom tooth has cut through!
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Maddie's first Milloy-side cousin! Jennifer is due this week and we can't wait to see little Jasmine! Maddie is so excited to have another girl to play with! Tea parties, fashion shows, & Barbies- oh, we can't wait!