We had so much fun visiting both sides of the family this past weekend for Christmas! Here are some fun highlights of Maddie's first Christmas...
What does a 5 month old want in her stocking on Christmas morning? BINKIES! She was so excited, she tried to eat through the packaging to get to them.
This was the look on Maddie's face every time she opened a present. She was enthralled by the bright colored wrapping paper and the crunching sounds it made when she grabbed it.
Opening gifts at Grandma Milloy's house. She got pretty good at tearing wrapping paper.
This is one of her favorite gifts - it's a "My First Doll" from her Aunt Jennifer & Uncle Patrick. She snuggled the doll into her face as soon as she opened it.
I don't get to see my "wombmate" very often, so it was a treat to get to spend some sister time with Robin.
Kim & Brandon
We miss you all so much already! Thanks for letting us invade your houses - we had so much fun! We are so blessed to have such a HUGE family and have so many people to love Maddie.